Hey, I’m Harrison.

Welcome! My name is Harrison Lieber. I am the founder of the Campus Creamery, a late-night ice cream store located at Washington University in St. Louis, where I am a full-time student studying Computer Science & Economics.

There is a lot more to me than can fit on a resume, so I created this website to act as a sort of database, giving you insight into who I am as a person in a way that a CV cannot. If you are interested, though, feel free to check out my resume.

While my academic focus is on computer science and economics in the McKelvey School of Engineering, I try my best to maintain a balanced schedule, and so far, I have really enjoyed my coursework at WashU.

As much as I love (some of) my classes, I have always found more satisfaction in my work outside of school. In March of 2023, I opened up the Campus Creamery. More than just an ice cream store, the Creamery has become a part of my identity. After a long, uphill battle to get it open, I am extremely proud of what I have built, but there is always more work to be done. I am constantly working on ways to improve and grow the business.

My free time is certainly limited as a business owner and full-time student, but I have a lot of other interests and hobbies that I try to make time for when I can.

I thoroughly enjoyed putting this website together, and I truly hope you enjoy navigating through it!